Welcome! I’m glad you’re here. You never want to throw a party that no one comes to, you know?
I first want to tell you why I’m here. I’ve crafted a lot in my life, done DIY projects galore, as well. But, that’s not the only reason that I’m here. Sure, I’ll share some of those things with you. Even share the projects of others with you, too. But, I really want to share a journey with you. The journey that my family has been on for the past year.
Of course, every day of our lives is a journey. And, it’s a terrible thing to miss even one second of a day on that journey, but sadly, we do. We all do. We miss things. Now, I realize that we can’t hold on to each one of those moments in our minds forever. Things fade over time. But, we should all strive to be present in each of those moments without the intrusion of our busyness. We need to take a breath, and listen to those around us, see our kids and our husbands, our parents, our brothers and sisters, our friends. They deserve it don’t you think?
January 2012 started a roller coaster ride unlike any that I have been on in my life.